Powerfull and lightning fast C++ Library
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CGraphic::_ImageSumType< T >Struct used to retrieve the type of a summation of multiple pixel components
 CGraphic::_ImageSumType< double >
 CGraphic::_ImageSumType< float >
 CMath::add< T >
 CMath::addEqual< T >
 CLogical::and< T >
 CApplication< T >Application Class for easy access to args
 CUtility::biggerType< T >
 CUtility::biggerType< char >
 CUtility::biggerType< unsigned char >
 CMath::binaryShiftLeft< T >
 CMath::binaryShiftLeftEqual< T >
 CMath::binaryShiftRight< T >
 CMath::binaryShiftRightEqual< T >
 CMath::BoundingBox2D< T >
 CCoordinateChunk< F, I, size >
 CCoordinateSystem< F, I, size >
 CCoordinateSystemObject< T >
 CTime::DateClass representing a date in the time (day/month/year hour etc...)
 CMath::div< T >
 CMath::divEqual< T >
 CTime::Duration< ratio >Class representing a time duration, ratio fractional number representing the number of seconds of one unit in this object
 CTime::Duration< Time::MilliSecond >
 CMath::equal< T >
 CLogical::equal< T >
 CLogical::equalP< T >
 CFreeImageLoad, resize et save almost every types of image file
 CGraphic::Gradient< C, InterFunc >Represent a 2D Gradient for 2D image processing
 CGraphic::GradientInterpolation< C, InterFunc >Base class of an interpolated gradient
 CGraphic::GradientPoint< C >A point in a gradient C Type for one color
 CLogical::greater< T >
 CLogical::greaterEqual< T >
 CLogical::greaterEqualP< T >
 CLogical::greaterP< T >
 CImageFunctor< T >
 CUtility::isBase< Base, PotentialDerived >
 CUtility::isSame< T1, T2 >
 CLogical::less< T >
 CLogical::less< UCodePoint >
 CLogical::lessEqual< T >
 CLogical::lessEqualP< T >
 CLogical::lessP< T >
 CMath::Line< T >Class representing a line
 CMath::Mat2< T >
 CMath::Mat3< T >
 CMath::Mat4< T >
 CMath::modulus< T >
 CMath::modulusEqual< T >
 CMath::mul< T >
 CMath::mulEqual< T >
 CLogical::notEqual< T >
 CLogical::notEqualP< T >
 CLogical::or< T >
 CMath::Ratio< Numerator, Denumerator >
 CMath::Rectangle< T >
 CMath::Rectangle< Size >
 CUtility::removeReference< T >
 CUtility::removeReference< T & >
 CUtility::removeReference< T && >
 CNetwork::ServerRepresent a listening server who can handle multiple protocol or ip family
 CMath::sub< T >
 CMath::subEqual< T >
 CGraphic::ColorFunc::Template< C >Virtual function to be overloaded for doing Color Functors
 CTime::TickRepresenting a number of CPU ticks
 CTime::TimePointClass representing a precise moment in the time
 CUtility::TypesInfos< T >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< char >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< double >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< float >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< int >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< long >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< long long >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< short >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< unsigned char >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< unsigned int >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< unsigned long >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< unsigned long long >
 CUtility::TypesInfos< unsigned short >
 CMath::Vec2< T >
 CMath::Vec2< float >
 CMath::Vec2< int >
 CMath::Vec2< Size >
 CMath::Vec3< T >
 CMath::Vec3< F >
 CMath::Vec3< I >
 CMath::Vec4< T >